Hereunder a pair of words that will certainly help you to better understand Hortinergy’s parameters.
Absolute humidity : actual water vapour content of air. Units are either in g/kg, g/m³ or kPa.
Absolute humidity difference inside/outside : AH inside – AH outside à in g/kg or g/m³, determines the amount of moisture expelled by ventilation.
Adiabatic cooling : process of cooling down air with very fine droplets of water. The variation of enthalpy is void, because of the same amount of latent heat created and energy withdrawn from the air.
Assimilation lighting : used to adjust the light intensity of a greenhouse to the desired level during the darkest days of the year.
Black out screen : under hot conditions, shading prevents the plants from heat to 99%, thus letting just 1% of incoming solar radiation reach them. It is mostly used for the control of photoperiod and the growth of cannabis crops and ornamental plants.
Crop transpiration : mutation of the water from the crop to the air, in the vapour phase.
Distribution efficiency : heat losses in the transport between the boiler and the greenhouse.
Enthalpy : energy content of dry air expressed in kJ / kg. Based on two components : sensible heat (energy required to raise the temperature of a substance) and latent heat (energy required to evaporate the present water content).
ETFE : a plastic film that is clearer and lighter than glass. Even though the lifespan of this product is higher, it stays noisy while dealing with wind and rain.
Evaporation : conversion of liquid water to water vapour, due to the removal of water from evaporating area.
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