Crop library
With Hortinergy, it is possible to choose a crop among others, thanks to its library.
Crop transpiration :
Crop transpiration is calculated according to Penman-Monteith equation.based on crop type, LAI (Leaf Area Index), light (solar/supplementary), temperature, humidity and air velocity.
The higher solar radiation and inner temperature are, the higher crop transpiration is. But the higher relative humidity is, the lower crop transpiration is.
LAI is the link between leaf area and soil area covered by the leaves. The higher LAI is, the more important crop transpiration become.
The LAI is pre-defined in Hortinergy based on the type of crop, its transplantation date and seedling age. Cultivation starting and ending dates are also required.
The seedling age at transplanting is the age, in weeks, of seeds before they get transplanted inside a greenhouse. The older seeds are, the faster crop growth and LAI will be, which means a transpiration more significant in a short period of time.
Hortinergy shows the water transpiration by the crop (that is more /less than irrigation needs-substrate transpiration (that is very low)).
Evapotranspiration is the water transpiration by the crop. It is put in W/m² to show direct relation with solar radiation. The higher solar radiation and inner temperature are, the higher crop transpiration is.
Evapotranspiration for 1 l water = approx 0.68 kWh energy (depending on temperature)
These results are accurate for tomato in winter, but are theoretical in peak summer when other factors can limit transpiration (hydric stress, leaf temperature too high…).
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