Hortinergy offers two heat production settings :
– Hortinergy’s estimate
– User defined (advanced parameters)
On the one hand, Hortinergy’s estimate takes into account one energy system, accompanied by its type and cost, considering also an efficiency of 95% of the boiler. Max power of the boiler is also calculated by the software. With it, you might choose one main energy and its cost, followed by its currency.
On the other hand, the option user defined puts forward two energy systems. Each of them can have different types of energy and advanced parameters : heating period, the maximum power that will be used, the presence of a condenser or not and the boiler efficiency.
As said before, for each system, you have the choice between several types of energy. The most common ones are gas and biomass.
If there is not any open buffer and the demand is superior than the maximum energy power of the main system, the second type of energy is turned on. In case there is an open buffer, if the request is superior than the maximum energy power of the main system, then it will unload. Once it is void, the second energy is engaged to replace it.
Heat pump enters COP as an efficiency and chooses electricity. For instance, a COP that is equal to 4 represents an efficiency of 400%.
CHP is based on heat production efficiency, generally set at 44%. Besides, it also calculates overall gas consumption.
Regarding water buffer tank, there are two utilisations : the first one with gas boiler and the second one with biomass/waste heat boiler.
Gas boiler : the container stores the heat energy generated in the gas boiler during daytime CO2 supply, when heating demand is the lowest.
Waste heat boiler : it uses the heat in flue gases from combustion processes or hot waste air flows from industrial processes to generate hot water.
For more information about water buffer tank, you can have a look at our support documentation.
Distribution efficiency :
It represents the heat losses in the transport between the boiler and the greenhouse. By default value, these losses amount to 5%, which represents a distribution efficiency of 95%.
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