How to design a sustainable greenhouse ?

How to design a sustainable greenhouse in the Middle East and North Africa climates ?

Food security is currently one of the main goal in the Middle East and North Africa reach to be self-sufficient. These countries faces often harsh conditions with hot and dry or hot and wet climates.
The main issue is not: ‘’how to heat the greenhouse?’’ But ‘’how to cool it and how to dehumidify it ?’’

Today, with technological progress, vegetable can be easily grown in greenhouses in these climates.
Hortinergy helps you to design online your greenhouse project all over the MENA Countries!

You can easily simulate the inner climate and the input consumption (energy, water) of your greenhouse project with specific features like :
About semi closed greenhouse
About closed greenhouse
Pad and fan
• Fog
• Dehumidifier
Assimilation lighting
• Screens management

At the end of your simulation, you get some reports and analysis with detailed graphics like :
-Inner climate
-Energy consumption
-Return of investment

Then you can compare scenarios to find the best configuration

The greenhouse picture in desert come from Pure Harvest Smart Farms in MENA countries.

Discover how to design a sustainable greenhouse and calculate Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG)

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