We are very glad and proud to announce that our Hortinergy software has been awarded the SIVAL D’OR 2019 at the Sival Innovation competition in the Services and Software category.

SIVAL is the main French horticultural fair. It will take place from 15th to 17th Januray in Angers.

The award ceremony will take place Wednesday, January 16th at Sival, where you will be able to meet the whole Hortinergy team.

We thank a lot the organizers of Sival and all the members of the jury.

Hortinergy has been developed in partnership with CTIFL, RATHO/ASTREDHO, Agrocampus Ouest and CFPPA of Cote St André.

Please come to visit us and to perform trial at our stand289 in Novaxia Hall.

While waiting for the Sival, find our Le Sival parle d’Hortinergy , and do not forget that the semi-closed greenhouse add-on is available on Hortinergy.

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